hi, welcome to my page-! <3

About Me:

my name is bennie, bennie bunfox. I am a starting creator that wants to get herself out there and- do more things with my life when it comes to arts, video content and other projects.my pronouns are she/he, I am also pansexual and genderfluid (ik no one asked lmao)I hope to produce more and make more in terms of content in the near future but for now- I hope you enjoy what I have now. :>


On my channel I uhh- do funny shit like this

and this

and this too

sooo yeah if you wanna see more like that consider subscribing thank- :>

Art Gallery

here below, you can see some of my work- hopefull you enjoy because it isn't a whole lot right now- heh.just note as well- I will mark what year these were made since some were made during 2020 extending into 2022.so excuse me for the quality change in some- . ^.

2022: Most Recent

2021: Recent

2020: Ones I'm proud of


SFM Arts:

I haven't got the chance recenly to make more but heres some I have made

and for now- that should just about do it.

thank you everyone for coming onto my page, and I hope to see you all in the future because I have a LOT of things planned ahead- so ye.

have a nice day :> <3

oooo special secret oooooo-

because you made it to the bottom of the page, you get to have a special sneak peek of my fursuit partal! there will be a video about it when it's done so watch out for that. ;>
a very special suprise indeed. 'v'
anyway y'all have a good one.